AI is taking off in all different areas. As a warning to all users, Home Security Heroes used AI and tested a run through of a list of over 15 MILLION passwords to see how long it would take to crack them.
Over HALF of common passwords can be cracked in under a MINUTE! The times are a little concerning to say the least.
Taken from the Home Security Heroes website, the chart below shows just how quickly, or how impossible long it would take AI to break your password depending on it’s length and complexity. As you can see, the AI can instantly crack a password with 6 random upper/lower case letters with numbers.
Check out the website to get an insight into their methodology and suggestions for best practices when it comes to keeping yourself safer online. There’s also a tool that will tell you how long it would take a specific password to be broken using the listed tools they used. It’s being recommended more than ever now to invest in a good password manager like Bitwarden and keep your random letter/number/symbol passwords as close to 18 characters long if possible.