Poppy appears in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, which aired in 2016-2017. In the series, she is an artificial intelligence program created by the game company Genm Corp. She initially appears as a virtual nurse character in the show’s virtual reality world. Poppy assists the series’ main characters in their fight against a group of evil video game viruses.
Later in the series, it is revealed that Poppy is actually a Bugster virus, one of the main antagonists of the series. However, she ultimately joins forces with the series’ heroes and becomes a Kamen Rider herself, known as Kamen Rider Poppy.
Poppy is known for her cheerful and bubbly personality. She is a popular character among fans of the series, including myself…rawwwlll!
Ruka Matsuda as Poppy in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (2016)